Millennial Tattoo Artists: Grow Up and Stop Being Demanding Douchebags

I have a lot of tattoos. Big, small. Most people don’t notice them because they’re well-placed: I can wear professional attire and not look like a gangbanger, or worse, an idiot yuppie with script “Live laugh love” emblazoned across my collarbone, neck, or the back of my hands. I’ve gotten tattoos at places that fallContinue reading “Millennial Tattoo Artists: Grow Up and Stop Being Demanding Douchebags”

Self Esteem, Femininity, & Disability.

Usually, I get my ideas for blog articles from the news articles, from conversations I have with others, or from every-day experiences. This one came from an episode of South Park. No, I’m not kidding. I was watching an episode of South Park where Michael Jackson is in purgatory, and he takes over Kyle’s littleContinue reading “Self Esteem, Femininity, & Disability.”

“Accessible Fashion:” Apparently, According to Fashion Designers, I’m Just Poor.

When we talk about fashion and I see the word “accessibility,” I always pause. It can mean so many different things. In the rarely-used context of disability, it can mean an item of clothing that’s subtly altered to make it easier to put on or wear for disabled individuals. Usually, that’s limited to altering itContinue reading ““Accessible Fashion:” Apparently, According to Fashion Designers, I’m Just Poor.”

Women Dining Solo Isn’t Actually Taboo—You’re Just Uncomfortable Being Alone

I recently read somewhere online that dining solo, as a woman, is seen as taboo among single women (or women in general), and they’re largely afraid to do it. Then, there’s a group of women writing article after article about their “first experience” dining out alone, as if it’s some incredible feat. They conquer theirContinue reading “Women Dining Solo Isn’t Actually Taboo—You’re Just Uncomfortable Being Alone”

How Women Create their own Professional Barriers

Women need to have a real, honest conversation about professional achievement and gender. Are there barriers for women in the professional world? Absolutely. But they tend to be more subtle, and dependent on the workplace or individual boss. Some bosses are sexist, and that sucks. However, major issues like pay differences tend to be moreContinue reading “How Women Create their own Professional Barriers”

Ember Design Co.’s Spring 2021 Line: Ready, Set, Launch!

Ember Design Co.’s, premier Spring 2021 handbag and accessory line is launching in mid-March 2021, just in time to fill up your closet with wonderful new accessories post-Spring cleaning! To obtain functionality and comfort, one shouldn’t have to sacrifice on either quality or aesthetics. At Ember Design Co., we’ve made it our mission to createContinue reading “Ember Design Co.’s Spring 2021 Line: Ready, Set, Launch!”

“Little people” and wheelchairs: How “accessible fashion” ignores the unfashionably disabled.

“Little people” and wheelchairs… “Little people” and wheelchairs… When you see a headline or a social media post talking about “accessible fashion” or fashion for people with “disabilities,” chances are, they’re specifically creating something for people in one or both of these two groups. Any kind of mobility problem that doesn’t specifically put you inContinue reading ““Little people” and wheelchairs: How “accessible fashion” ignores the unfashionably disabled.”

The ridiculousness of gender-based consulting, and why it’s so insulting.

A few weeks ago, I posted in a Facebook group regarding my new business selling disability-accessible handbags, Ember Design Co. I was seeking volunteers to try out my prototype. A woman in the group invited me to join her own Facebook group, stating she had many connections in the region. I thanked her and acceptedContinue reading “The ridiculousness of gender-based consulting, and why it’s so insulting.”